Scoliosis Research Society

The Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) is an international society that was founded in 1966 with 35 members. It has gained recognition as one of the world's premier spine societies. The SRS has maintained a commitment to research and education in the field of spinal deformities. Strict membership criteria ensure that the individual Fellows support that commitment. Current membership includes more than 1,000 of the world's leading spine surgeons, researchers, physician assistants and orthotists who are involved in research and treatment of spinal deformities.

Više informacija

Vezano za web reklamu u kojoj se navodi da je "Prof. Bišćević uspješno izliječio glumca Irfana Mensura Actraid gelom", izjavljujem da ne podržavam njegovu, kao ni upotrebu bilo kojeg drugog gela, suplementa ili vitamina u liječenju bolnih stanja zglobova. U ostalom, pomenuti glumac nije nikada bio moj pacijent.

Najvažniji dio liječenja bolnih stanja zglobova jeste održavanje normalne tjelesne težine i redovna fizička aktivnost.
